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© 2025 Elisabeth Flunger


audience concert
meeting music and language
wonderful adventures music and video


Composition and Improvisation
for children and music amateurs

Even children and music amateurs can experiment playfully with sounds and create musical figures and processes. The material: all kinds of noises generated with the voice, with instruments and with everyday objects, but also more conventional musical elements like melodies and rhythms. Notation is not necessary; first of all comes the exploration of sounds, improvisation and the development of a musical piece.

This workshop is based on the sound experiences of contemporary music. Its aim is to overcome people's usual inhibitions regarding contemporary music and to encourage their appreciation via their own invention.

Hits & Evergreens
Pre-concert events for orchestra or chamber music

What do I hear when I'm listening to music? What if I don't hear what they told me, but something completely different? What happens in a piece of contemporary music? Classical and contemporary music sounds much less abstract and difficult once you've taken a creative approach to it.

Music & Dance
in collaboration with Inge Kaindlstorfer (Vienna) or Annick Puetz (Luxemburg)

Music and dance are basically equal: First, the participants are introduced to both media separately, after which they start working with the interaction between music and dance.

Dot, Line, Plane - Structure
Contemporary music and art

We play with simple elements like dot, line, and plane, and explore structures from everydays life ; this research enables a direct approach to contemporary music and art.
Also the more complex structures from everyday life (catalogues, timetables, streets) and art (patterns, concepts) can be transferred to musical parameters.

Recycling as a principle of creativity

Mongo is a slang word and means trash which is collected, repaired and reused. From old, insignificant, trivial, unappreciated, forgotten, outworn, rejected things, ideas, and procedures you can create something new. Recycling happens in various circumstances : use and misuse of old stuff as sound objects or instruments, reuse of musical components like melodies and rhythms in new pieces and improvisations, re- arrangement of well-known pieces in a new composition or interpretation, utilisation of ambient and machinery noises...

interactive concerts

"Everyone can do it."
According to Joseph Beuys, everyone is an artist, and in this concert every listener can be a musician.
Guided by Elisabeth Flunger, the audience plays various pieces of contemporary music, like compositions by John Cage and Dieter Schnebel and from the Scratch Orchestra's Anthology (London 1969-74). With Elisabeth Flunger's Songs, there will also be the opportunity to invent new versions - as soloists, in small ensembles, and all together.

Meeting interactive performance
Is music an universal language, or is language a sort of music?
part 1: the sound of speaking
part 2: the sound of writing
part 3: music as language
part 4: language as music
meeting is a discussion about one of the capital questions of musical understanding, performed by collective improvisation, composition and interpretation with the help of all participants.
With the experts Mme Callas and Mme Ciccone as guest of honor, and a deputation from China, sent to us to explore the relation between music and language.

wunderbare reise video with live music
wonderful adventure in collaboration with Sneja_D.
The audience plays the soundtrack to videos by Sneja_D and Elisabeth Flunger. A train journey, people on the street, a balloon flight : Images can be a score, or a dialog partner in improvisation, or the source of a musical drama.