The Musical Marble Run
Hanging Around
Tinnitus Scenes
The Big Noise / Tinnitus
The Mill
Anthem & Split Double
ISO Pop Corn
Das Bad der Diana

The musical marble run
ferragosto I (2000) Essl Museum Wien
la route flonflon (2007) Philharmonie Luxembourg
ingraisch (2012) in collaboration with Heimo Wallner, Hotel Pupik
la route flonflon II (2017) Philharmonie Luxembourg
Métal-Musique (2017) Belval (L)
La forza del destino (2018) Fresnes-on-Woëvre (F)
Ball der Bälle (2019) im_Flieger Wien (A)
MOMELBAN I (2020) LTK4 Lutherturm Köln
Murmelbad (2020) Mirker Bad, Future Now Festival Wuppertal
mappa mundi (2021) Salzer Stadl Nickelsdorf, Soundart '21
Celestial Spheres (2023) Church St Ruprecht, festival WienModern Celestial Spheres
The Sound Snake (2024) Klangturm St Pölten
The Musical Marble Run is an improvisation machine. Marbles, spheres, balls keep rolling down its
slanted surface and hitting metal objects. Most marble runs have a perfect run, but with the Musical Marble Run
that's not so important. It's not about control, it's about playing and having fun. The paths of the marbles cannot be predicted,
mistakes don't exist. Marble music is subject to chance and always different.
A transportable marble run premiered in November 2024 in the St Ruprecht Church in Vienna. It has been built by Ben Day
with funding from the City of Vienna and the support of WienModern festival. The dimensions are 120 cm by 9 m;
a curved version was produced for the Klangturm St Pölten.
ferragosto I mp3
la route flonflon II youtube video with funny subtitles by Ada Günther
la route flonflon II vimeo video with better quality
mappa mundi video
Music of the Spheres video
Graphic Score by Milan Adamciak (1967)
Installation and performance
Artjom Astrov, Elisabeth Flunger, Michaela Kisling, Philipp Quehenberger, Sergei Tcherepnin
Palais de Tokyo Paris, 13 November 2024

Hangings. Where the Wild Things Really Live.
“The term Gehänge or Geschlinge refers to the innards of animals. Depending on the region, other names are Gericke, Graib,
Gehenk, Gelünge, Gelinge, Gwaid, Gräusch or Ingraisch.” (de.wikipedia)
ingraisch (2012) was a marble run built into a hay stack with
objects found at Hotel Pupik, leftovers of works of art and agricultural equipment. It was realized in collaboration with Heimo Wallner.
Foundling-Birds (2023). A birdhouse for Claudia Märzenbacher's project
For the Birds at Kunst Haus Wien.
auf und abgesang (2024). Installation at Susi and Rudi Müller's place, in the stairwell Burggasse 57 (Vienna), with
mountings by David Ender and a performance by David Ender, Elisabeth Flunger and Inge Kaindlstorfer.
„That's what entropy is: we all will die.“ Jack Halberstam
The Green Noise video
Video installation by Cordula Bösze, Katharina Bihler, Elisabeth Flunger, Achim Konrad, Stefan Scheib, Lothar Schlömer, Ute Völker
A listening oasis, a space to linger, slow down and relax:
recordings from nature, improvised music and urban background noises mix and interact with each other.
Shopping mall Rathausgalerie, Wuppertal 2022
4 music videos for The Green Noise:
Green Water

Tinnitus Scenes
miniature installations of tinnitus sounds with quotes from affected persons
Tinnitus is an auditory experience that occurs in the brain or inner ear and can be
triggered by stress or noise. Tinnitus sounds are various and occur across the entire audible
frequency spectrum. The installation is an offer to anyone who never had tinnitus to get to know
these fascinating inner worlds, and for those suffering from tinnitus it is an opportunity to listen
to other people's tinnitus, to exchange ideas and to console themselves that many others are not doing any better.
The Tinnitus Scenes are part of the project The Big Noise.
Zeiträume Basel festival 2019: 12 installations at Unternehmen Mitte. video
Shut up and listen! festival 2021: Tinnitus Scenes at echoraum Vienna
Das Große Rauschen - The Big Noise
Zeiträume Basel festival 2019
sound installations and performances in the basement of Unternehmen Mitte:
Tinnitus Scenes 12 installations in the safe deposit boxes video
It’s me – Your Little Noise Two sounds for John Cage in the dressing room
The Others live transmission from the Café
The World is Noise 8track installation with sounds of nature and civilization
The World Hums quotations from The World Hum Map and Database Project
The Big Noise concert with Katharina Bihler, Cordula Bösze, Elisabeth Flunger, Stefan Scheib and
Ute Völker video
Future Now Festival Wuppertal 2020
BADN GEHN 8track sound installation at swimming pool Mirke
Shut up and listen! festival 2021: Tinnitus Scenes at echoraum Vienna
The Mill
Festival artacts 2018 St. Johann in Tirol
Installation and performance in the Wieshofer flour mill in
St. Johann in Tirol, with improvising musicians, a fairy tale, soundtracks, a video and a series of images.
Improvisation: Lotte Anker, Thomas Berghammer, Clementine Gasser, Jakob Gnigler, Steve Heather, Melvyn Poore,
Susana Santos Silva, Alessandro Vicard, Torbjörn Zetterberg
Fairy tale: Gudrun Schwärzler (speaker), Edith Mallaun (toy piano), Elisabeth Flunger (composition)
Soundtracks: Angelica Castelló TUBA, dieb13 granulat13-1, Elisabeth Flunger Mühle 1-10

Split Double
Elisabeth Flunger & Robert Hall (2016)
The audio installations Anthem and Split Double were part of Robert Hall’s exhibition
Anthem and Decorum at Galerie Dominique Lang, Dudelange (L).
In Anthem, national anthems from the time of the First World War are fragemted and reassembled.
Split Double creates an illusory symmetry between
drum sounds and explosions, in accordance with the
images from the 1st World War time who emphasize symmetry and regularity.
Anthem mp3
Split Double mp3
ISO Pop Corn – 2nd generation (2009/2010)
Elisabeth Flunger soundtrack, percussion
Sneja_D video, programming
An interactive installation with pop corn explosions in slow-motion.
Ancienne quincaillierie Buchholtz-Ettinger in Esch sur Alzette 2009, Galerie Dominique Lang in Dudelange 2010
performance video Dudelange 19.11.2010
Ambient noises from streets and construction areas are the basic material for the soundtrack to the performance/installation ferragosto II (2007).
For große kreise 08 (2008), street noises are transferred directly to the concert hall. The public is twice involved in
the performance: inside as audience, outside as actors.
große kreise 08 is part of the project
draußen und drinnen.
Diana at Her Bath
in collaboration with Jack Hauser
Live video, Super8 installation, performance
Galerie Artothek, Vienna (2001)
“Certainly the invisible Diana, while she looks at Aktaion envisioning her, thinks on her own body.” Pierre Klossowski