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© 2025 Elisabeth Flunger


Material studies paper, metal, plastic, rope
movement and sound
in collaboration with Inge Kaindlstorfer (2022-2024)

Music and chance (2024)
Lecture Performance

Der Klangwurm (2024)
Installation, musical marble run for Klangturm St Pölten

disposable instruments – reuse (2023-24)
bottle caps, metal lids, jars, aluminum foil and trays, plastic foils, cartons, tin cans, plastic cups
in collaboration with Anthea Caddy and noid

auf und abgesang – Gehänge (2024)
Installation in collaboration with David Ender (mounting)

Heavenly Spheres (2023)
Installation, musical marble run for the St Ruprecht church

Transportable marble run – design (2023)
woodwork: Ben Day

4 videos for The Green Noise - video installation (2022)
Green Water

Schall und Schein (2022)
Lecture Performance: Visual imagination and music / Japanese pottery and improvisation

play : the collection (2021)
Solo performance with metal objects, Neue Musik in St Ruprecht

Die Frankfurter Küche Homage to Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky (2021)
Performance with Yedda Lin

mappa mundi (2021)
Installation, musical marble run for Soundart Nickelsdorf

lorem ipsum (2021)
Performance with luxflux, soundtrack, live music

Zeremonie (2020)
Lecture Performance, music, slideshow for Galerie Wechselstrom

wENDE . PUNKt (2020)
performance in collaboration with Stephanie Müller, Future Now Festival Wuppertal

BADN GEHN (2020)
8track sound installation at Mirker Bad, Future Now Festival Wuppertal

Murmelbad (2020)
installation, musical marble run for Future Now Festival Wuppertal

installation, musical marble run for LTK4 Lutherturm Köln

decisions (2019)
interactive concert in collaboration with Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka for ippen fes 2.0 festival Graz

Ball der Bälle (2019)
installation, musical marble run for im_Flieger Wien

Tinnitus Suite (2019)
for Violin, double bass, flute, clarinet, accordion and percussion. Commissioned by TENM Tiroler Ensemble für Neue Musik, premiere 5.11.2019

wunderbare reise 10 – Spaziergang (2016/19)
series of photographs, graphic notation. Version for Tiroler Ensemble für Neue Musik, premiere 5.11.2019

Das Große Rauschen - The Big Noise (2019)
a collection of noises with sound installations and performances in the basement of Unternehmen Mitte (Basel) - Festival ZeitRäume Basel
Tinnitus Scenes 12 installations in the safe deposit boxes
It’s me – Your Little Noise Two sounds for John Cage in the dressing room
The Others live transmission from the café
The World is Noise 8track sound installation
live music:
You go to my nerves improvisation with tinnitus sounds (with Katharina Bihler, Cordula Bösze, Stefan Scheib, Ute Völker)
Im Rausch text scores about noise in music:
Sturm im Wasserglas 1-4 homage to Miki Yui
Tür zu, es zieht homage to Birgit Ulher
Gatsch homage to Nok (Ulrich Troyer)
Den Frigo ass futti homage to Xavier Charles
Glibber homage to Oval
Ist da und hört nicht auf homage to Oneohtrix Point Never
Großes H homage to Bernhard Günter
Reflexionen homage to Friedrich Cerha

La forza del destino (2018)
installation, musical marble run for the Pôle culturel in Fresnes-en-Woëvre (F)

Schieflage (2018)
for mixed choir. Commissioned by vocal ensemble Gegenstimmen, premiere 19.10.2018

The Mill (2018)
installation in the Wieshofer flour mill in St. Johann in Tirol, with improvising musicians, a fairy tale, a soundtrack, a video and a series of images.
Mühle 1-10 (2018)
Soundtrack for the Installation in the Wieshofer flour mill in St. Johann in Tirol
Von Mühlen und Müllerinnen (2018)
fairy tale for a speaker and toy piano, collage with song accompaniments (Franz Schubert), fairy tales (Brüder Grimm) and some notions about Oliver Evans
panta rhei video

Drum battle : Entendez-vous dans nos campagnes ? (2017)
for 6 outdoor drummers, premiere Festival Densités 28.11.2017

Métal-Musique (2017)
installation, musical marble run for Le Fonds Belval

la route flonflon II (2017)
installation, musical marble run for die Philharmonie Luxemburg

Split Double

sound installations and performance in collaboration with Robert Hall (2016)

Split Double (2016)
for two big drums, graphic score

straße 03 : motorini (2016) for instruments and recording

Dialog mit dem Dialog (2016) for percussion duo
from Karl Schiske's Dialog for violoncello and piano:
1. Augmentation
2. Instrumentation I
3. Elimination
4. Insrumentaion II
5. Reduction

draußen und drinnen (2016)
collection of objets trouvés, texts, pictures, music and field recordings on environment and noise, partly in collaboration with Katharina Bihler und Stefan Scheib; includes Grundrauschen 1-4, Schwimmbad Klosterneuburg, Beckmanngasse 1 + 2, Trintange, Pumpe 1, Straße 01-03, and Baustelle 01-06

straße 03 : motorini (2016) for instruments and recording

Martial Attitudes (2016) for percussion solo or duo
a scrapbook of sounds and pieces on drums and war:
rolls and disturbances, marche funèbre, ww1, ww2, ww3, march/torso, split double, drum battle

Schwimmbad Klosterneuburg (2015)
for instruments (accordion, double bass, flute, percussion), voices and recording

Grundrauschen 1-4 (2015/16)
Elektroheizung De Longhi, Die Welt rauscht, Tinnitus, Aquarium (Pumpe)
for double bass, flute, accordion, percussion

Beckmanngasse 1 + 2, Trintange (Baustellen), Pumpe 1 (2014/16)
for flute, accordion, double bass, percussion

play : out of the box (2014)
solo performance with wooden boxes, metal scupltures and trash objects

out of the box (2014)
solo for wooden boxes

play : cornucopia (2013)
solo performance with metal objects

Passage (2013)
untitled, in finsteren Zeiten, unter einem kahlen Baum, my paradise, auf nach Texas, black and yellow, Ceres, außergewöhnliche Belastungen, beißen nicht, abends im Schwimmbad, then, bröckliger Untergrund, paysage intime, non c’è di che
for double bass and percussion, in collaboration with Stefan Scheib

Rotten Chapel (2013)
pssst, collateral stuff, zeit zum nachdenken, something yellow, deadlock #1, deadlock #2, law and order, disillusion, dunno, eclipse
for toy piano and flanger, in collaboration with Tomás Tello

ingraisch (2012)
installation/musical marble run for Hotel Pupik (Schrattenberg near Scheifling in Styria), in collaboration with Heimo Wallner

elisemilie (2012)
western spaghetti, gratte, n‘roll, cornemuse, nepeta cataria, culbuto, le mignon, un trou de souris, tempete sous la coquille
for accordion and percussion, in collaboration with Emilie Skrijelj

straße der wunder, jetzt brauch ich einen schnaps, tagadà, vrkrmpft, gelati, wurstl, und dann?, marabout, liliput, calcinculo, kaffee und kuchen, duck fish, pickpocket, considering (2011)
in collaboration with Bernd Bleffert und Wolfgang Schliemann

Labor (2010-2012)
miracle merchants, closer to the sky, tar and feather, wat mutt dat mutt, otra tormenta, se fué, katze was tust du?, imminente
for electronics and percussion, in collaboration with Tomás Tello

linien - lignes - lines (2011)
installation: book, video.
performance and CD in collaboration with Gérard Delesse, Ada Günther, Tomás Tello

wunderbare reise 06-09 (2011)
for audience and video, in collaboration with Sneja_D (Video)

meeting (2010)
participative performance on music and language

wunderbare reise 03 (2010)
for viola, accordion, percussion instruments and video

affe, streu, wunderbare reise 02, song 01 (2009)
solo pieces for metal objects

we summer (2008)
music for the dance performance We Summer, choreography: Veronika Riz
catching, de/stroy, lack (of communication), menuett, wanting, hesitation

große kreise 08 (2008)
sound installation with public's action

wunderbare reise 04 (2008)
sound installation

von hier nach dort und wieder zurück (2008)
transcriptions of environment noises for accordion and percussion
hier, von hier nach dort (straße 01), dort 01-06 (baustelle 01-06), von dort nach hier (straße 02), wieder zurück (baumarkt)

ein libesbrif, ordnungmusssein, strawinsky, rickeracke (2007)
solo pieces for metal percussion

ferragosto II (2007)
performance/installation for the Sammlung Essl Museum, Klosterneuburg/Vienna

wunderbare reise 01 (2007)
for one or more performers in a train

la route flonflon (2006)
installation, musical marble run for the Philharmonie Luxemburg

play (2005)
solo performance with metal objects

songs (2002–06)
große kreise 01–06, kleine kreise 01–06, mikado 01-06, shuffle, hatscha 01–04 solo pieces for metal objects

schöpfungsgeschichte, mop, transversal, longitudinal, embouchure (2003)
for flute and percussion, in collaboration with Cordula Bösze

Punkt/Kontinuum, Attacken, Zustand 1–3, Spiegelung 1–3 (2002)
for piano and percussion, in collaboration with Katharina Klement

Das Bad der Diana (2001)
performance with live video and super8 screening, in collaboration with Jack Hauser

ferragosto (2000)
installation, musical marble run for the Sammlung Essl Museum, Klosterneuburg (Vienna)

Kabelwerk (2000)
solo performance

fLINK (1999)
performance for percussion und live electronics, Künstlerhaus, Vienna, in collaboration with Karlheinz Essl

fLUNGER (1999)
performance for percussion, live electronics and light, Charim Klocker Gallery, Vienna, in collaboration with Karlheinz Essl

Als wärs ein Stück von mir (1996)
solo for drums, graphic score

pflegt rhythmus sprechen zeitigt (1995)
for voice and percussion, text by Christine Huber

collective performances with Damen-Improvisation & HerrenBIGbäng (1995-2000)

Titus Andronicus (1994)
theater music on the play of Willam Shakespeare, Akademietheater, Vienna, in collaboration with Thomas Hertel and Michael Popp

Der beste Brei des Rattenfängers (1994)
for piano, percussion and spoken words, in collaboration with Raino Rapottnig

Der größte Teil des Schlangenträgers (1993)
music to the dance piece by Rose Breuss and Bert Gstettner (Tanz*Hotel), in collaboration with Raino Rapottnig

Gitter (1994)
for voice and percussion instruments, commissioned by Kulturinitiativae Stubai (Austria)

Ameisen auf kleinen Gegenständen in der Strömung schaukelnd
Der Mann mit der Hand auf der Stirn
Ich habe springen gelernt
Unruhig geschlafen
Put your friendly face on baby
Kaputte Puppenköpfe
Wanda Wanda
for piano and percussion, in cooperation with Hannes Löschel

Ich habe zählen gelernt (1992)
for drums. accompanimant for an imaginary solo

Bei Zeiten (1992)
performance for percussion and piano, in collaboration with Hannes lschel

da söbstmeadagraunz (1992)
for speaker and percussion, 31 poems in Viennese dialect written by Gerhard Rühm in 1956/67 (Rainer Verlag, Berlin 1966).

Der kleine Fuchs und der Pfeil (1992)
music for a dance performance with Rose Breuss

Elisabeth Flunger hindert Johannes Marian daran, Schillers Glocke aufzusagen. Das Album (1991)
photo album, edition 50 pieces, in collaboration with Johannes Marian. Photos by Johannes Stoll