privacy policy
© 2025 Elisabeth Flunger

Privacy policy


Elisabeth Flunger
Ullmannstraße 31/13/8
A-1150 Wien

+43 699 1714 3444



Operator and owner of the website:
Elisabeth Flunger
Ullmannstraße 31/13/8
A-1150 Wien

+43 699 1714 3444

Design & Programming
moculade Design
Ina von Rumohr

Text: Elisabeth Flunger, Bernhard Günther
English translation: Elisabeth Flunger, David Ender, Peter Panayi

Photos/video stills:
Home page: Ina von Rumohr
Metal music: Bernhard Günther
Installation: Maria Chilf (hangings 1), Gobi Drab (marble run St Ruprecht), Bernhard Günther (marble runs Essl Museum + Philharmonie), Fernande Jourdain (marble run Belval), Claudia Märzendorfer (hangings 2), Susanne Müller (hangings 3), Anna Katharina Scheidegger (Big Noise), Elisabeth Flunger (Marble run Klangturm, environment, Anthem, Mill, big Noise, Green Noise)
Improvisation: Lisi Breuss (11), David Ender (9), E Flunger (15), Bernhard Günther (1, 5, 7, 12), Oliver Heisch (8), Kurt Hörbst (4), Ilga Purtscheller (2, 10), Claudia Scheer van Erp (3, 14), Norri Schneider (6), Sneja_D (6)
Performance: Bond Cobby (freie radikale), David Ender (Fuge.Randale), Astrid Focke (play), Bernhard Günther (Kabelwerk, Damen, Linien, play, cornucopia), Arnold Haberl (Material Studies), Andreas Hamacher (Out Of The Box), Jack Hauser (Das Bad der Diana), Christoph Herndler (4 stagioni), Rudi Müller (lorem ipsum), Doris Schmid (flüstern), Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky (Frankfurter Küche), Elisabeth Flunger (cornucopia, ferragosto, Rosenkranz, Disposables, Zufall, Collection, Zeremonie, found in translation)
Projects: Projects: Katharina Bihler (Flunger Scheib), Fred Bisenius (E T), Wolfgang von dem Borne (söbstmeadagraunz), Lisi Breuss (Flunger Löschel), Iris Broderius (Percussion Trio), Bond Cobby (freie radikale), Stéphane Collin (vasistas, Croquer les Fougères), David Ender (Roomservice, Flunger & Sanchez-Chiong), Karin Girkinger (Berghammer Flunger Vicard), Bernhard Günther (play), Tilly Hoffelt (Pilz), Kurt Hörbst (songs), Michael Indra (Flunger Schiske), Diane Jodes (any other activities), Herbert Lacina (Damijan Flunger Lacina), Werner Puntigam (Bösze), Ina von Rumohr (Audience Concert), Markus Sepperer (Gras), Sneja_D (ISO Pop Corn), Klaus Stephan/Elisabeth Flunger (ear studio), unknown (bimm, Tinnitus, Anthem), Elisabeth Flunger (meeting, outside inside, wunderbare reise, Big Noise, Green Noise, Flunger&Kaindlstorfer, lux flux, bösze flunger völker, magg beth, Bruckner & Flunger, yoo doo right)
Workshops: Astrid Focke, Elisabeth Flunger, Bernhard Günther, Ina v Romohr
Damen & Herren: Bernhard Günther, Herbert Preyer-Bayer
Trash: Elisabeth Flunger & Bernhard Günther
Thanks to the photographers!

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