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© 2025 Elisabeth Flunger


"As well the best lecture is often a lucky impromptu, just as the mouth is keener than the pen." (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

"... there has arisen an ever demanding inner need for risk, for adventure, for disjunction, for violence, for excitement, for rebellion, for change, for releasing energy, for letting the genie out of the bottle, for opening Pandora's box, for revealing hidden secrets because all secrets offer a little chance to shake up the status quo and perhaps open up a crack in the stifling concrete." (Frank Denyer)

Elisabeth Flunger & Martin Brandlmayr (2016) mp3
Elisabeth Flunger, Klaus Kürvers, Ute Wassermann (2015) mp3
Elisabeth Flunger, Philipp Kolb, Udo Schindler (2014) video
Elisabeth Flunger & Maja Osojnik (2012) mp3
Cordula Bösze, Elisabeth Flunger, Pia Palme (2008) mp3

Flunger Scheib
Berghammer Flunger Vicard
Bruckner & Flunger

Room Service
Bösze Flunger Völker
freie radikale
Damen-Improvisation & HerrenBIGbäng

on the photos: Matthias Goebel, Amanda Piña, Sabina Holzer, Emmanuelle Pellegrini, Simon Camatta, Maja Osojnik, Ada Günther, Stefan Scheib, Tomás Tello, Matthias Muche, Achim Tang, Frau_W, Jorge Sanchez-Chiong, Anne Waldman, Hannes Löschel, Ricardo Pereira